Your Path of Awakening is Unique.
You need a coaching approach that honours your individuality.
Whether it’s an objective space to pause and reflect, or a structured programme with definable outcomes, we’ll create a map for the way forward that is uniquely yours.
Support, resources, compassion, empathy, non-judgement, accountability, structure, and a container that is flexible enough to meet you where you are, yet solid enough to facilitate the change you long for.
My Coaching Philosophy
You are unique.
You are a unique individual with a unique contribution to make to the world. Rather than following a formulaic prescription for how you should be or what you should do, we’ll create a space for a personalised and individual map of possibilities to emerge.
In that space, we’ll listen deeply for the longing that stirs your heart and be guided by the wisdom that moves your soul. We’ll start where you are and allow for an unfurling and unfolding of the unique thread of you.
Healing is a relational process.
Transformation happens in relationships based on mutual empathy, trust and respect. I have knowledge and experience that may be of value to you. You are an equal and expert participant in your own healing journey. My role will be to serve as your witness, facilitator and guide; a midwife for your inner wisdom and the intelligence that wants to express itself through you to emerge. Together, we’ll create a space for that intelligence to guide you as you navigate the beauty and complexity of your life.
Health is about reclaiming wholeness.
Health is less about the absence of disease, and more about the presence of wholeness. Wholeness not as some idealised notion of perfection, but as the capacity to embrace all of who you are, and all of what it means to be human at this crazy, complex time on the planet. Your body and your soul, your joy and your sorrow, your strength and your vulnerability, your illness and your wellness. The continuum of birth and death, and the many cycles and stages of transition in-between. I define health as:
The capacity to embrace being fully human – vulnerable, fallible, and mortal – whilst staying deeply connected to that which is sacred, eternal, and immortal within you.
Feeling awake, alive, embodied, and free, even as you live in the body of the world, with its complex stresses, challenges and dis-ease.
Awakening the anatomy (being) and physiology (doing) of your authentic self and living that truth unapologetically and unashamedly in the world.
Aligning with the wisdom of your heart as you seek to heal yourself and contribute to the healing of our planet.
When you reclaim your wholeness, you change the world.
Generations of patriarchal rule have created a world that normalises division, separation, and hierarchies of privilege and oppression. The imprint of that legacy is embedded in our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual DNA, constructing an individual and collective identity that divides and separates us from who we truly are.
Reclaiming wholeness bridges the socially constructed divide between body and soul, self and other, the planet and humanity. It aligns us with an inner compass that fuels our passion, liberates our potential, and inspires us to find creative solutions to the problems the world is facing today. When you reclaim your wholeness, you change the world.